As a Marketing firm, we make the vast majority of our business from Medium Sized companies with a decent amount of funding/revenue and years in business; yet, most of the questions I (Francisco) get on a daily basis are from small companies just starting up. Local businesses with great dreams and ideas that have no idea how to find clients.
I LOVE answering those questions. I believe knowledge is power and I want to empower people to leave their boring 9 to 5 job and achieve those dreams they have been putting away.
I want to invite all small business owners (specially in the New England area) to email me directly with your marketing questions (or Jazz music if you are into that). Feel free to send me a direct email to and either I or one of the Staccato Interactive “experts” will get back to you with and answer (or opinion) as soon as we can. Yes, this is all free, though I do accept a cup of coffee if you happen to be in the area.
** In case you don’t know who “this clown is”, here my LinkedIn.